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Our Story

Hydrate Global Ministries exists to intentionally pour into the lives of those serving in ministry and missions. Our ministry was birthed from a desire and a call to love and encourage those leading and serving on the front lines. While serving together in ministry for more than 33 years we have experienced many ups and downs yet God has remained faithful through it all.  Many times throughout our ministry it has been the prayers and encouragement of others that has spurred us on in ministry when the journey was difficult. Our passion is to do the same for others. We desire to care, encourage, and refresh those called to serve faithfully in the trenches as well as those just getting started on the journey.

Scott surrendered his life to Christ at the age of seventeen and started following Jesus. Nearly a year later he surrendered his life to the call to full-time vocational ministry. This was not the career path that Scott had imagined for himself, yet it was God’s plan.  Scott has faithfully served in full-time vocational ministry for almost 40 years.  God’s call has allowed him to serve the local church in several pastoral positions from Student Pastor to Sr. Pastor, as well serve and lead a global missions agency. Scott has a shepherd’s heart for ministry, missions, and the Great Commission. Scott’s desire is to come alongside and encourage those called to serve in ministry and missions. 

Shannon grew up in ministry as a pastor's kid (pk) and then married and followed her life long sweetheart into full time ministry. Shannon has a passion to help women understand their true identity in Christ. Through study in God's word and personal testimony Shannon challenges women to follow hard after Christ in every season of life. She has a passion to see women of all ages live out their God given purposes for His Glory!

Scott and Shannon have raised a family while serving, moving and following the Lord throughout their years in ministry together. God has blessed them with four amazing children and five beautiful grandchildren. The Cannon’s have navigated marriage and raising a family while serving in ministry leadership and truly understand the demands of raising a family while serving in ministry. In recent years God has opened their hearts to those serving abroad and has given them a passion for those ministering to the nations. They have a true desire to encourage and refresh others on the journey of ministry and missions.


Scott and Shannon both speak at events, conferences and retreats.
Please contact them for more details and availability


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How can you Partner?


Become a Prayer Partner

Our ministry is based on prayer. We believe in the power of prayer and deeply value those committed to supporting us in following God's leading for this ministry.


Become a Financial Partner

We operate on a faith based budget through the giving of others. God has been faithful and we believe in His faithfulness to sustain this ministry.


Spread the Word

You can do this by simply following us on social media (facebook/Instagram) and by sharing our ministry and vision with others.

Our Team Members

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Our ministry is dependent upon the support of others. Would you pray and consider partnering with us?

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