Listening for His Voice

“While he was still speaking, suddenly a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said: ‘This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased. Listen to him!’”
Matthew 17:5
Most people cherish words of affirmation. Why? Because they uplift and encourage us. In this verse, God the Father speaks to Peter, James, John, Moses, Elijah, and Jesus, affirming His deep pleasure in His Son. God wanted everyone present to truly listen to and heed the words of Jesus.
As a father, I always made it a point to tell my children that I loved them and was proud of them. They knew it, but they appreciated hearing it and seeing it reflected in my actions. One day, one of my sons shared a conversation he had with a teammate who remarked, “You should be grateful that your parents tell you they’re proud of you and come to most of your baseball games.” That struck a chord with me! After the next game, I approached that young man and said, “I want you to know that I not only come to watch my son play, but I also cheer for you and the entire team. I’m proud of you all.” The joy on his face after hearing these words was priceless.
“We often miss hearing God’s voice simply because we aren’t paying attention.”
~ Rick Warren
Application Challenge → As believers, we all desire to know that God is pleased with us. This week, consider taking intentional time to be still and listen for His voice. You may not hear an audible voice but God can certainly communicate in powerful ways. Pay attention as you read scripture and go about your day. Consider the thought that God may be prompting you to be His voice to someone else. Pray for sensitivity and guidance as you too can share words of affirmation and encouragement with those around you.
The Power of Affirmation